How to plan your Drip Email Marketing Sequence

Saul Gowens
3 min readNov 4, 2018

Setting Up A Drip Email Marketing Sequence

We’re big fans of automation here at Websand. We love the kind of email marketing where customers only receive emails when they need to. They trigger the emails by interacting — or not interacting — with your website.

But we realise that sometimes that isn’t enough. Or it may not suit your business. And sometimes a drip-feed email sequence is the right option. They’re still automated because the drip feed only starts when a subscriber opts-in. You write the content and let it drip.

Let’s look at what you can use drip-feed email sequences for, why they’re great, and how to set them up.

What is a drip email sequence?

It’s a series of emails sent on auto-pilot to a subscriber. They have a beginning, middle, and an end. They’re called ‘drip marketing’ since that’s the method you use to deliver information. An automated email sequence can also earn 20% more sales opportunities.

Breaking the information into chunks makes it more likely they’ll take action. They’re ideal for short courses, where you deliver each step in a process. Give them a homework task at the end of each email. Make it something valuable but make sure it builds into something better when they do the next one too.

Not into course creation? You might need to guide subscribers through the value of your product. Think onboarding sequences here. Send a series of tutorials to guide new users around your website or software. Each email in the sequence could include a different tip or handy tool.

Drip-feed email sequences work well in the events and hospitality niches. Work backwards from a date your customer booked and pinpoint what they need to do and when. Use a checklist format for ease of use. Send email reminders, with tips to help the event go well.

Why are drip email marketing campaigns so great?

They split up dense packets of information into bite-size nuggets. The subscriber gets enough to put into action before the next one arrives. Sending the information in one go can be overwhelming. That prompts the subscriber to take fright and give up.

The regular arrival of the emails also trains the subscriber to expect emails from you. It keeps you ‘top of mind’ since your name keeps appearing in their inbox. And because you send such great content, they’re happy to hear from you. Open rates for these drip-feed email sequences are around 80% higher than single emails.

Drip-feed email sequences are also tailor-made for formulas. Think of the AIDA copywriting formula here. You need to get attention, generate interest, create desire, and prompt action. That’s too complicated for a single email. But for a sequence of eight emails? It’s just right.

Or the NES formula. Nurture their interest, get them Excited, and make a Sale. Taking your time to get to know subscribers and provide what they need (when they need it) works best in a sequence. Not a single email.

Be aware that you can only achieve any of this by sending valuable, useful content. No one wants a series of ‘buy my stuff!’ emails.

Follow the link to find out the key steps you need to set up a drip email marketing sequence.

Originally published at Websand.



Saul Gowens

Founder of Websand. Helping make email marketing and marketing automation easier. Wanna know a secret? It’s all about your data.